An impression of what the new development could look like when viewed from the canal.
Foreman Homes have lodged an appeal against the decision of Fareham Borough Council to refuse outline planning permission for the land east of Posbrook Lane.
The plan was to provide for a scout hut, up to 150 dwellings, community garden, associated landscaping, amenity areas and a means of access from Posbrook Lane.
The developers claim that FBC’s development plan is out of date and that therefore planning permission should be granted for the Posbrook Lane site, ‘unless any adverse impacts of doing so would not just materially, but significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.’
Foreman Homes say that the development plan is not based upon a NPPF compliant objectively assessed need for housing and cannot be said to be up to date in respect of its housing requirement. It does therefore provide an appropriate basis for the calculation of a five year supply.
They point out that following the Cranleigh Road appeal decision (APP/A1720/W/16/3156344) (August 2017) now accepts that the Core Strategy does not meet the objectively assessed need for housing .
Titchfield Village Trust led opposition to the original application.
TVT Chairman, Nick Girdler, said, “Since they put in the first application things have moved forward on Wellborne and they have also moved on their new housing proposals so hopefully the inspector will see that.”
The application Ref. No. is P/17/0681/OA