Have you spotted the new signs on the approaches to the village?
It was suggested by a few locals in 2017 that they wanted new entry signs to replace the old ones that existed at certain road entrances in the village.
One local suggested a coat of arms could summarise all the history of Titchfield on the signs, but a coat of arms would have incurred a large registration fee, so it was decided an emblem was the way ahead.
This would symbolise the key historic places in Titchfield. What you now see is the finished product on the crest of the entry signs in Saint Margaret’s Lane, East Street and Posbrook Lane.
New signs for old St Margaret’s Lane
Many thanks must go to those locals who helped to organise the purchase and fitting of the new entry signs: Mark Rowe, Kevin Fraser, Phil Burner and Joe Folland (from the Traffic Department in Hampshire Highways).
Flags and bunting are also being produced for anyone living in Titchfield and the surrounding areas especially now Village in Bloom starts on 13th July. It would be lovely to see the village emblem flying over houses and businesses for this and many other events. You can still purchase flags and bunting by contacting titchemblem@hotmail.com if you want some colours flying!
The emblem was designed and crafted by three Titchfield enthusiastic locals who got together in the autumn of 2017 and convened the first of many informal meetings in the Queen’s Head pub! The mission, other than enjoying a good drink, was to try and develop more of a “symbolic identity reflecting the ancient history of Titchfield”.
Sketches developed from beer mats and scraps of paper and an emblem was finally established as the best way to symbolise the rich history of Titchfield.
Later, a fourth local and well-respected historian (President of the Titchfield History Society) sagely advised on more subtle detail regarding the historic past of the village and surrounding area.
The Titchfield History Society is the custodian of the emblem and they own the copyright. All profits relating to sales of the emblem will go towards preserving the history of Titchfield village.