On Sunday 23 June 2019, Friends of St Peter’s (FOSP) ran Titchfield Open Gardens and what a fabulous afternoon we had!
Over 600 visitors came and enjoyed looking around the 12, very different, gardens that were open.
A huge thank you to the garden owners who welcomed the visitors and spent time talking to them about their gardens.
The delicious refreshments available were enjoyed by many – tea and cake in a beautiful setting whilst taking a rest and deciding where to go next, perfect!
FOSP is delighted to have raised in the region of £4,300 from the event and thanks everyone who visited. This money will go towards specific projects which are much needed to restore and maintain St Peter’s Church.
Titchfield Open Gardens will take place again in 2021, if you would like to participate, FOSP would be pleased to hear from you fosptitchfield@gmail.com.