What the end of Lockdown 2 means for Titchfield


The easing of lockdown from this Wednesday will result in Fareham being in tier two of the national restrictions in place to curb the spread of the Coronavirus.

 As a result the Civic Offices will be open again. There are temperature checks on entry to the building and all visitors will be required to wear a mask. They should also check in for track and trace purposes on the NHS app or provide contact details.

 The tier two restrictions mean the following:

  • You must not socialise with anyone you do not live with or who is not in your support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place.

  • You must not socialise in a group of more than 6 people outside, including in a garden or a public space – this is called the ‘rule of 6’

  • Businesses and venues can continue to operate, in a Covid-secure manner, other than those which remain closed by law, such as nightclubs

  • Pubs and bars must remain closed, unless operating as restaurants. Hospitality venues can only serve alcohol with substantial meals

  • Hospitality businesses selling food or drink for consumption on their premises are required to provide table service only; in premises which sell alcohol, close between 11pm and 5am (hospitality venues in airports, ports, transport services and motorway service areas are exempt); stop taking orders after 10pm

  • Hospitality businesses and venues selling food and drink for consumption off the premises can continue to do so after 10pm as long as this is through delivery service, click-and-collect or drive-through

  • Places of worship remain open but you must not socialise with people from outside of your household or support bubble while you are indoors there, unless a legal exemption applies

  • 15 people can attend wedding ceremonies and receptions, 30 people can attend funeral ceremonies, and 15 people can attend linked commemorative events such as wakes or stonesettings.

  • Organised outdoor sport, and physical activity and exercise classes can continue

  • Organised indoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes will only be permitted if it is possible for people to avoid mixing with people they do not live with (or share a support bubble with). There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s, which can take place with larger groups mixing

  • You must continue to follow tier 2 rules when you travel to a tier 1 area. Avoid travel to, or overnight stays in, tier 3 areas other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through a tier 3 area as a part of a longer journey

Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Seán Woodward, said: “Whilst we are pleased to be coming out of this lockdown phase it is still important that we observe the tier two restrictions that we now face in order to stop the spread of the virus. We all want to be back to normal as soon as we can be and the best way to achieve that is to follow the instructions now.”