As Titchfield Village Trust has had to postpone their next A.G.M. (on Tuesday 2nd March) they thought it might be the time to list some of the things they’ve managed to achieve since their last meeting in March 2020.
Chairman, Nick Girdler, listed the main achievements…
The fund raising thermometer
1. We became a Charitable Incorporated Charity giving our Trustees (Officers) greater protection
2. The merger of the Parish Room Charity and TVT is now complete and is reflected on the Charity Commission site.
3. The new 68-year lease on the Parish Room is now signed and runs until 2088
4. We have applied for planning permission to re-tile the roof and complete some outside work to prevent water ingress. At the same time, we have applied to install flush fitting solar panels on the south side (Queens Head car park side) of the building.
5. We opened an account to hold the funds for this work and set up a committee to oversee the raising of these funds. We need to raise £100,000. As such we have only been able to hold one meeting but I can tell you we currently have over £30,000 towards that total following applications to both statutory and voluntary bodies including a large grant from the Earl of Southampton Trust. So more than a quarter of the way there already and we haven’t had a ‘launch’ yet !
6. We are in the process of making more applications and if successful will hopefully be able to begin work later this year.
7. We have joined the Fareham Lottery to raise more funds and would exhort you to buy tickets to support our effort to keep the Parish Room at the heart of the village.
8. We have opened a Just Giving Page for people to make one off contributions.
9. Our Treasurer, Digby Hands, is to retire but a past Chair of the Trust, Richard Ashton, will be taking his place. Many thanks to both for the work they have done for the Trust and the work still to come.
10. Digby also oversaw the regular users of the Parish Room and Suzy Jackson has agreed to take on that role. We’ve asked Suzy and Leslie Blackburn, who looks after the unregular (I’m making this up as I go along) users to join the committee so they can represent all our Parish Room customers.
11. £210 donated to Titchfield Primary School to purchase a computer as part of our small scale grants scheme
12. Our website overseen by Chris Turner, is much improved and gives you access to both of our fund-raising sites.
The Trust hopes to be able to hold the postponed AGM at their next scheduled meeting on Tuesday 6th July in the Parish Room at 7.30.
There will be a reminder nearer the date.