Platinum Jubilee celebrations showed the spirit of Titchfield

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee group was formally disbanded on 15th June 2022. This group organised and ran the Seniors’ Tea Party and, with the Bonfire Boys, the Lighting of the Beacon.

Thanks to the generous donations of raffle prizes by local businesses and individuals and by the generosity of the public who bought tickets for the tombola, tuck shop and particularly the raffle at the Beacon Lighting, a small profit was unexpectedly made after expenses had been paid. This has been donated as follows:

Hounds for Heroes     £70 (They provided the tuck for us to sell)

The Bonfire Boys        £100 towards the Christmas party for the children in the village  

Friends of St Peter’s   £100 towards the fabric of the church

Suzy’s stitchers           £103 hopefully the crochet group will continue. They are already planning to make poppies for Remembrance Sunday 


Thanks to the generous donation from the Earl of Southampton Trust and from the ladies who made cakes including Titchfield WI members we were able to cover our costs. Again, raffle prizes were kindly donated by businesses and individuals to aid the fun of the afternoon. The Co-op also gave us supplies of tea, coffee etc. Our volunteer helpers at the tea party were magnificent. We couldn’t have done it without them.

 We hope that the historic video of Titchfield that was shown throughout the tea party will go on the History Society Web site for all to see. At the end of July we also hope to show this video/slide show in the Parish Rooms on a Friday morning during the Country Market.