Village Hall celebrations

An evening of celebration in the Village Hall as the Titchfield Village Trust marked the completion of their 5 year project to take the Hall into the 21st century and keep, it at the centre of village life for at least the next 50 years.

The new roof and internal alterations, which included removing the old false ceiling, installing a new kitchen, laying a new floor, and updating all the lights and sound systems along with new furnishings throughout, brought to a close a 5 year project and meant raising over £200,000.

CUTTING THE RIBBON: (left to right) TVT Chairman, Nick Girdler, Cllr Connie Hockley, Cllr Tiffany Harper and Sandi Jones.

Special thanks to all those who contributed in so many ways to help us achieve our objectives both on the night and in the creation of the finished project.

Onwards and upwards as they say, today we will be delivering a new Defibrillator, to the Jubilee Surgery which will be mounted on the outside of the building. It has meant raising £1,600 and means Titchfield will now have access to another fully automatic machine in the centre of the village

And to complete the village transformation we are expecting another 50 woodland trees for a final planting session on Barry’s Meadow in February.